Of bridges and borders

Partie intégrante d’un projet global qui inclut également une série d’installations et de concerts de musiques électroniques, cet ouvrage collectif rassemble les contributions d’une trentaine de personnalités issues de différents champs culturels.


Pedro Donoso, Andrea Giunta, Josep-Maria Martin, Cuauhtémoc Medina, Marti Peran
Of bridges and borders

Of bridges and borders is a project in a book form. It brings together artists and writers, combines a range of singular positions, chronicles contributions whose formats vary as widely as their content, and aims to create new readings by proximity, difference, comparison, and contradiction.

Chronologically, it spans the period after the fall of the Berlin Wall to the present; conceptually, it contains a broad range of works made in a variety of media, all of them dynamically joined in a manner that consciously contrasts with the traditional encyclopedia structure.

Including contributions by Chris Burden, Thomas Hirschhorn, Santiago Sierra, Antoni Muntadas, Liam Gillick, Dan Perjovschi, Dr. Lakra, Elmgreen and Dragset, Gardar Eide Einarsson, etc. Of bridges and borders attempts to reflect a contemporary global memory in a free art world with more bridges than borders.