Dutch Eyes. A Critical History of Photography in the Netherlands

Les éditions allemandes Hatje Cantz publient une monumentale monographie consacrée à l’histoire de la photographie néerlandaise. Une importante iconographie et des textes introductifs font de ce volume une référence.


Dutch Eyes. A Critical History of Photography in the Netherlands

Extraits de la préface (en anglais)
«Do Dutch eyes see differently? Is there a specifically Dutch photography? Does it have a history and traditions of its own? As photography in the Netherlands gains ever greater international recognition, the questions are being posed and more often, increasing the need for a broad overview that would place contemporary Dutch photography in a historical context. […]
Since the 1970’s, a great deal has happened to and within Dutch photography. New generations of photographers have come on the scene; old legends have gone. New genres have emerged. Stage photography, for instance, took off in the Netherlands in a big way in the 1980’s, a development that attracted international attention. Photography has gained acceptance as an art form. […]
Not only has new history been made since 1979, but knowledge about previous periods has also increased thanks to new research. […] The editors hope that Dutch Eyes will make an inspiring contribution to a better understanding of the history of photography in the Netherlandsn and that it will spur others to delve in this fascinating field.»